Ecopoetry Workshop

Ecopoetry Workshop is a creative, critical, collaborative residency devoted to ecopoetics.

Ecopoetry Workshop 2019: Fields took place over two weeks in July 2019 at the Nature, Art, and Habitat Residency (NAHR), in Sottochiesa, Val Taleggio, Italy, founded by architect and theorist Ilaria Mazzoleni.

The residency was facilitated by Simon Eales, Brent Cox, and Courtlin Byrd. Residents included: Amanda Hohenburg, Joanna Doxey, and Jane Thomas.

The workshop included focused study and research, collaborative writing activity, and deep engagement with Val Taleggio, its surrounding environment, and history. It resulted in a final reading of work developed over the course of the two weeks and several other site-specific poems and earthworks, as well as a printed publication: Ecopoetry Workshop: Field Notes from a Regenerative Economy of Fields. The book was published in a signed and numbered edition of 20 at a commercial print shop in the nearby town of Zogno.

The below video documents some of Ecopoetry Workshop’s activities.