Elden Ring Lore Philosophy Slow-Run Playthrough BURNING OVERLOAD OF THE GREATEST FIGHTERS 9000


I’m gonna do this Elden Ring playthrough. I was going to say speed-run, but not only is this not going to be a speed-run, but it is going to go as slow as through Elden Ring as I go through the philosophy. It’s going to be a lore philosophy playthrough. I’ve thought for a long time, and obviously I’m not the only one that thinks this, that Miyazaki’s games are absolutely of high philosophical quality, and I’m sure this game will be no different.

I want this to be a proper philosophical playthrough, which is to say, not just a lore run. Whereas other lore runs are focused on finding out the secret of the game, this run is focused on investigating what kind of ontology is happening, which is always interesting in Miyazaki’s games — and the epistemology, the history of the world, etc. — and how that is tied together in a philosophical way. These are some of the questions that I think Miyazaki’s games’ raise.